Tuesday 12 February 2013

We're jumping on the Pancake bandwagon

We're jumping on the Pancake bandwagon, but not in the conventional way!

 As it is pancake day we thought we'd make an effort. As some of you will have seen on our Facebook and our Twitter, 31B Store are once again on trend but by no means mainstream.

This is what our picture should have looked like..... This was taken at a business breakfast a couple of months ago- fair to say I can't quite remember what the meeting entailed as I spent most of the morning staring at my plate. ImageImage This was our actual pancake day pancake...
Yes these are waffles. What can we say!?

Just watch everyone else have waffles on next years pancake day. We set the trends, and rebel against the mainstream.

 www.31B Store.com

  Be Free Be You!!

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