Sunday 11 November 2012

Behind The Scenes

We love our job , we really do there is always something new and exciting to sink our teeth into and share with you guys around the world.

If you follow our Twitter and Facebook you'll know we drink lots of coffee and eat way too much new york cheesecake, wear bright duvet duck slippers that keep our feet toasty and warm and we also  have a thing for sequins ( and it's not just the girls! )

Because of the worlds love of 31B Store's online web-store (It's true we're not blowing our own trumpet! Honest) We've been able to showcase new up and coming young designers, models and products. Being different is what we do - Be free be you. - That's our slogan!

Videos and photographs are our thing the more quirky the better and we're not afraid to say that they're getting weirder and weirder by the day!

So we've started to catch on camera what we're up to. The randomness that goes on behind closed doors, on set with our models and photographers.

We've recently teamed up with a fellow young photographer George Devereux , who joined us on our christmas glitter shoot. We thought we'd try something different by using a white mannequin and make it a more chic urban shoot.

We got carried away with our air guitar, dance off, music of Ellie Goulding and our mutual secret love of Lily Allen's albums.

That combined made an interesting afternoon!

Here are some of the photos (Unedited) that we snapped. Many will be used in up and coming promotion and on our website

There are also a fair few of George and Clo. Clo wasn't too fond of having her picture taken!

George takes a great self portrait.

 Clo prefers being behind the camera it appears! 

 This snap could keep me entertained all day, George was quite innocently removing a spiders web from the outdoor mannequin. When Clo snapped him in a compromising position!

 And this was what we all came for! The fantastic new and exclusive to 31B-
 Christmas Dress collection for 2012.

So we made a quick little video to keep you all up to date with the ongoing of our world!

Using the gold dress for the intro and ending, snippets of George's dancing and his hidden singing talents Clo's hatred for the camera invading her personal space and the overall randomness of the day.

Enjoy all..

DISCLAIMER! George is a fantastic photographer, after all we only work with the best, yet all jokes aside he has done a fantastic job. 

The gold dress will be available mid November to buy online and will be under £50.00 so grab yourself a christmas cracker whilst you can! 

Follow us on Twitter for all our random little anecdotes and offers , same with Facebook for some Cracking Christmas deals - See what we did there? and finally support George's photography Rez Photography on Facebook for inspiration and ideas.

Until then Be Free , Be You - 31B 

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