Wednesday 5 December 2012

How to save your soles.

How to save your soles. 

I've recently been having  some troubles with my feet , walking to and from the post office, to college and then running to  catch the train is really taking its toll.
It was only when reviewing the summer 13 collection that i realised how much cheap, flimsy import shoes are available both on our high streets and online today. 

I've always been a stickler  for good and expensive shoes, which i realise now will pay off in time and will really save my soles in the long run. 
Granny shoes - you know the ones big velcro and hideously unattractive. When shopping with my grandmother last week, it dawned on my that if people keep wearing things with no support, no soles and just generally poorly made products we're all going to be 40 years old in velcro granny shoes way before our time, 

We've all been there ooo look they're only a fiver or what sit on the telly was wearing those. It's about time the shoe and fashion industry bucked up their ideas and made thick sole , supportive shoes fashionable and 'In'
Luckily creepers are on trend. Love them or hate them they are the hangover cure for sore feet. Someone tweeted this morning that they 'hated' creepers and it was fair to say that i strongly disagreed with them. Creepers are the most fashionable supportive thing since the creation of docs. When i mention docs , creepers or builders boots i'm referring to the real deal, the real thing, the reel shanaz. Not some super cheap made of plastic jobby. You get what you pay for with branded shoes. 

Our mate steve from T.U.K must be sick and tired of receiving my calls to order more upon more pairs of creepers. It's contagious and i commend anyone who is not bucking the trend of creepers and subconsciously supporting their soles, another plus point of creepers is they were around in the 80's they're going to be in until 2015 , so not only will you be on trend for a while to come, they will always come back around and back into fashion. It's as if every time vogue gets sore feet from far too high heels they decide " Let's make creepers fashionable again."  a real investment that comes round and round again in the fashion world. 

I'm not saying heels are bad, as i'd be the biggest hippocryte out there if i said that and then you looked at my wardrobe. But there are a few little adjustments you can make to make sure you get the longevity from your footwear that you want and need.

  1. 1. Waterproof or protect coat them. Stop the stains one things like LYDC L25 heels. 
  2. 2. Replace the heel bottoms when they're looking tatty or have been worn out. 
  3. 3. Buy a pair of tipsy feet.

The only time i will ever recommend flimsy shoes are the tipsy feet as as the title suggests they're for when you're in heels and you feel a little tipsy. It's the safe and right answer to getting home safely from a night out. 

It sounds crazy and some say unlikely yet i say like Bieber - Never Say Never 

And here we go :
Scenario one - if you're out on the town , have had a good time, have had a little bit the drink and then proceed to walk home and think that you're being followed and need to run to safety can you really run, tipsy, in high heels to safety before the person following you gets to you?

Scenario two- you once again have been out having some fun  with  girlfriends you're all a little excited and happy ( probably from the christmas mulled wine) and one of the girls makes a joke: you all laugh yet you're not laughing at the end of the night when your ankle bone is popping out of your foot and are just about to go in and have surgery after one of the girls laughed too hard -threw arms in the air and knocked you of the pavement. Your ankle twists splits and you fall. 

A tenner for shoes in a small pouch you can pop in your bag for your journey home is a small price to pay as appose to the scenarios above. And the pouch ever rolls out to create a bag for you to put your heels in- neat huh?

and those have to be my saving sole tips for perfect feet and comfy clean looking shoes! I hope you found this helpful as after all i don’t either want to be wearing granny shoes at 40 or have unattractive crippled feet. 
The creepers i’ve been wearing are the T.U.K A low sole mondo black suede creepers. Which are protective and indestructible a small , plumpy child stood on my foot in a coffee shop last week and I was indeed caught completely unaware when his mother shrieked 
“ Samuel get off that poor girls feet. “

It made be smile, yet Samuel didn’t seem all that impressed. 

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