Tuesday 4 December 2012

Rate Or Slate.

Rate Or Slate.

So the time has come to either rate or slate Iron Fist’s new design direction , since Iron Fist’s birth it has been through three key phases. It started off as alternative grunge - a new thing to international fashion as no one had seen anything fashion revolution wise since the fashion rebellion of the 80’s : Then over the past 4 seasons Iron Fist had still focused on its alternative and dark designs and working with tattoo artists and graffiti artists in order to get the most out there designs as possible as well as starting to phase in and ‘test the water’ with some lighter some what ‘fluffier’ girly designs

Such as the cuts of the sun dresses girly with slip fit shoulder straps yet with a dark alternative style skull print with bone detailing and darker graphics on lighter tops and in lighter less aggressive, less repelling colours to the girl next door. 

And now it appears that it is an end of an era with the birth of the American party girl collection of Havanna affair and girly glamour, So what we want to know is are the original IF fans all grown up , grown out of the dark hole collection of Bev Hogan and skulls and cross bones or a true to its work ‘Rock Of Ages’ t shirt? Have you grown into a fairy princess that wants Havanna affair or do you still want to scare the girl next door with goolish prints and garish patterns that bring your attitude and lifestyle to the forefront of your fashion. 

We want to know- why? Because you’re our customer if you want something we’ll get it - if you don’t what’s the point? and we’ll need to look at getting you exactly what you want. 

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